Enrolment process
To assist with the enrolment application process, we encourage prospective families to visit the 'Find My School' website to determine whether they reside within the college's designated neighborhood area.
Once you have submitted your 'Student Enrolment Booklet' form, our Enrolment Officer will contact you.
Please note the application is an expression of interest only.
For all enrolment inquiries please contact the College Enrolment Officer on 9369 1833 or at laverton.p12.co@education.vic.gov.au and list Enrolment inquiry in the email subject line.
Government school student
Please return the completed Application for Year 7 Placement form (included in the Parent Transition Pack) to your primary school by May. Subsequently, your primary school will forward the form to your preferred high school.
Notification of your placement will be provided by your primary school in August. Upon receipt, you will have the option to either accept or appeal the placement.
Non-government school student
For non-government school students, specifically those attending Catholic or independent primary schools, the application process requires direct submission to Laverton P-12 College.
This process aligns with the same timeline observed for government schools.
From 15 April 2024: Families at government schools receive the Parent Transition Pack from their primary school.
10 May 2024: Families at government schools return their completed application for Year 7 to their primary school. Families at non-government schools will need to email their completed application directly to Laverton P-12 College.
17 July 2024: Families at government schools are notified of the outcome of their application by their primary school. Families at non-government schools are notified of their outcome by Laverton P-12 College.
18 July 2024: The college will post enrolment information to future Year 7 students. Families can lodge placement appeals with secondary schools. Government primary schools will provide families with the appeal form.
26 July 2024: Closing date for families to lodge a written appeal with their preferred secondary school.
6 August 2024:Closing date for families who have lodged the Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Placement Appeal Form to have received a written notification of the appeal outcome. Families who have been unsuccessful in their appeal to us can refer their appeal to the applicable Regional Director. Government primary schools will provide families with information regarding this process.
7 August 2024:All families at government primary schools return their Year 7 Placement Acceptance Slip to their child’s teacher, even if the child will be attending a Catholic or Independent school.
20 August 2024:Closing date for families to refer their appeal to the applicable Regional Director.
18 October 2024: Regional Directors notify families, in writing, of the outcome of their non-placement appeal.
22 October 2024: Families who appealed to the Regional Director must submit an updated Year 7 Placement Acceptance Slip to their government primary school.
10 December 2024: State wide orientation Day for all Year 6 students (Year 7 2025).
Prep readiness resources
Prospective families are encouraged to complete the college 'Student Enrolment Booklet' form, which can be obtained by contacting the college enrolment officer on 9369 1833.
The college has produced videos to make the transition from kindergarten to primary school seamless for you and your child. Simply click on the thumbnails to view.
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