As new technologies continue to change the world in which we live, they also provide many new and positive educational benefits for classroom instruction. To encourage this growth, Laverton P-12 College will permit students in Year 7-12 to bring their own device (BYOD).


Students will be able to use their own devices to access the internet and collaborate with other students. By allowing students to use their own devices at school we are hoping to increase the access all students have to the technology to assist their learning outcomes. 


While many of our students already own laptops and computing devices, some parents have contacted us to ask, “If I wanted to purchase a laptop or other device for my child, what would you recommend?”  Because family and individual student needs differ, this can be a complex question to answer.  However, there are some general specifications that can be considered by everyone, so we have created this document to give you some guidance.


We recommend that you consider the following minimum specifications for any new purchase  however, be aware that due to the endless number of options available some devices may not connect to the school network:


The minimum requirements for a computing device for school use:


  • Is in a protective carrying case;
  • A Windows 7 or Apple Operating OSX 10.1 or iOS 7 or higher (Not RT, Android or other)
  • Has 6 hours or more of battery power (Due to OH&S standards, devices cannot be charged in classrooms)
  • Has wireless capabilities and appropriate software;
  • Up to date virus software must be installed on all devices and the College takes no responsibility for the corruption or loss of information due to any computer virus



Families are encouraged to include the device on their home and contents insurance or insure the device separately. Note there is no school insurance for these devices.


Configuration to connect to the school wireless network will be done by the school technician. This configuration will not prevent or affect the use of the device at home or elsewhere. 


The configuration will only occur once the Laverton P-12 College Student Acceptable ICT Use Agreement is signed and returned. 

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