The policies of the school guide and describe the school's main processes, functions, and operations. The Education Sub-committee is responsible for developing and reviewing policies at Laverton P-12 College as they undergo extensive consultation with students, staff, and parents. Once the consultation process is complete the policies are ratified at the monthly school council meetings. The policies below will be reviewed annually and as part of a three-year review cycle, depending on the policy, in line with DET guidelines.
Click here to view the Victorian Education Department Parent Payment Guidelines
Click a policy below to view
Laverton P-12 College - Administration of Medication Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures
Laverton P-12 College - Anaphylaxis Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Asthma Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Attendance Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Bullying Prevention Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Camps and Excursions Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Complaints Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Digital Learning Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Duty of Care Policy
Laverton P-12 College - First Aid Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Health Care Needs Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Mandatory Reporting Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Parent-payments-arrangements-Primary and secondary policy
Laverton P-12 College - Statement of Values and School Philosophy Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Student Wellbeing Engagement Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Uniform Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Visitors Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Volunteers Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Yard Duty and Supervision Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Child Safety Code of Conduct Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Homework Policy
Laverton P-12 College - Year 10 Acceleration Policy
Laverton P-12 College - WWC register procedure
Laverton P-12 College - Photographing-filming-recording-students-policy
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