About Laverton P-12



Laverton P-12 College is in the suburb of Laverton, 21 kilometers west of Melbourne, and for many years served members of the Laverton RAAF base. Laverton P-12 College commenced in 2008 and the school buildings and grounds are modern, well-resourced and inviting, which compliments the rigorous teaching and learning opportunities we provide. The school’s current enrolment is 720 students across Foundation to Year 12. The school has a Student Family Occupation and Education (SFOE) of 0.6525. The SFOE is an indicator of circumstances known to make a difference in student learning. The school has a diverse multicultural student population, with a significant number of our students coming from the Karen and Pacific Islander Communities.


Over the course of the 2014-2018 Strategic plan, there has been a focus on building the capacity of all staff to deliver high-quality teaching and learning programs. Moving forward into the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, our goals are aligned to continue with this focus, with an increased priority on meeting the learning needs of all of our students, particularly in relation to Reading, Writing, and Numeracy. Goal One in the Strategic Plan will be to improve student learning outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy for all students across the P-12 College. Goal Two will be to build a learning culture of high expectations that empowers both students and staff. Goal Three will be to improve student voice, agency, engagement, and leadership, in an environment of high expectations and challenges, across the college.


The successes achieved to date at Laverton P-12 College are the result of significant contributions and commitment from our staff and support from the school community. Laverton P-12 College is a very dynamic school community where the energy and positivity of our students is something that is celebrated. We recognise the need to establish whole school inclusive collaborative practices and a whole school focus on Literacy and Numeracy. This will be achieved through building highly effective Professional Learning Teams across the college. Our students need to be challenged at their point of need and we will be supporting them to monitor their own learning growth so that we improve their intellectual engagement as well as responsibility for their own learning. Our focus will be on prioritizing building a culture of high expectations for all key stakeholders, particularly our students, and staff.


We apply a relentless focus on growth for students and teachers over the course of our new strategic plan, and we will engage with the school community to support us in this key work. Our intention is to further develop a growth mindset in relation to all learning, with our students at the center of all that we do. We believe that if teachers collaborate on effective pedagogy and instructional practices, and build their capacity in differentiation to the point of need for our students, then student learning growth will be enhanced.


Our school values of Learning, Belonging, and Succeeding underpin all that we do at Laverton P-12 College. We continually connect these values to the teaching and learning programs and they are relevant across all stages of the learning continuum. Our values underpin a cohesive coordinated structure that enhances the well-being and learning opportunities for every student. In particular, our Values connect to our School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPS) approach, and this supports our students in achieving their learning potential.


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