A Message from the Principal



My name is Lisa Robinson, Principal of Laverton P-12 College and I welcome you to our college. Together with the three Assistant Principals at Laverton P-12 College, our strategic intent is to apply a relentless focus on high levels of achievement for all students and teachers.


Our college has a strong academic focus. We believe that every student can achieve success and our teachers work very hard to adapt their teaching and learning strategies to ensure excellent student outcomes are achieved by all our students.

We celebrate diversity and interculturalism at Laverton College. Our core values of learning, belonging, and succeeding underpin everything that we do as a community.


Our College facilities and resources ensure that students are provided with an optimal learning environment and include a Performing Arts Centre, a fully equipped VET Hospitality centre, an Engineering workshop, Gymnasium, landscaped gardens, primary and secondary ovals, multiple netball and basketball courts, an undercover synthetic area for play and a beach volleyball area. Each classroom has TV technology and our students can access notebooks and iPads.


I am proud to be the Principal of a college that challenges the boundaries and expectations of what students can achieve and where all students are encouraged to act with initiative, integrity, and self-discipline so they can contribute to a safe and caring learning environment.


This website introduces our great school.


Prospective families are encouraged to contact the college and book a tour to see our school at work. I look forward to meeting you and showing you all our college offers to the community.

Ms. Lisa Robinson
Laverton P-12 College



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